can alcoholism cause dementia

There are no specific tests designed solely for alcoholic dementia, so diagnosis relies on exclusion and a thorough review of the patient’s alcohol consumption history and cognitive decline patterns. Alcohol misuse and alcohol-related harms are also increasing among this population, and at a faster rate for women than men. Alcohol misuse refers to drinking in a manner, situation, amount, or frequency that could cause harm to the person who drinks or to those around them. Alcohol misuse includes binge drinking and heavy alcohol use as well as consumption at lower levels for some individuals. Understanding how alcohol affects the health of older adults can help them and their health care providers make informed decisions about their health and well-being. Alcohol addiction leads to dementia by causing extensive damage to the brain through multiple mechanisms.

Alcoholic Dementia Life Expectancy

  • This includes cognitive testing, which involves assessing thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • When a medical professional suspects alcohol dementia, some experts recommend the use of prophylactic thiamine administration.
  • Thiamine deficiency can cause dementia, which is progressive and permanent memory loss.
  • The damage to the brain then leads to symptoms that can include issues with a person’s gait, memory loss, hallucinations, and other issues.

Chronic alcohol consumption leads to further cognitive decline, and other alcohol-related health issues, such as liver cirrhosis or heart disease, may also shorten life expectancy. Alcohol-related dementia is a condition caused by long-term alcohol abuse that leads to cognitive impairments, such as memory loss, poor judgment, and difficulty performing daily tasks. It is often linked to nutritional deficiencies and alcohol’s toxic effects on the brain. This literature review indicates that chronic alcohol misuse accelerates brain aging and contributes to cognitive impairments, including those in the mnemonic domain also affected in Alzheimer’s disease.

Stages of Alcoholic Dementia Symptoms

can alcoholism cause dementia

The average MoCA score pre-COVID-19 (for those admitted to Caron November 2019 to February 2020) was 25.1, which constitutes mild impairment. The average score for those admitted during COVID-19 (November 2020 to February 2021) was 22.5, indicating mild to moderate impairment. In other words, patients are coming to us with higher levels of cognitive impairment. Our treatment facilities in Scottsdale, Arizona can provide comprehensive treatment programs to people struggling with alcohol use disorder. With a compassionate team of specialists, we strive to provide quality care that meets each person’s needs.

Assessment and diagnosis

If you aren’t sure where to begin, consider talking to their healthcare provider or use the resources listed below. This is especially true if they’re older — you may wonder if their symptoms are related to aging. Some of alcohol’s effects on memory are apparent — maybe you wake up after a night of drinking and have a bruise you don’t remember getting, or you don’t recall any of the night’s previous events. Older people are also more vulnerable to injuries from falls due to changes in eyesight, spatial recognition, and bone health. Alcohol use can increase their risks for falls, as it can affect judgement and perception.


can alcoholism cause dementia

For example, a recent patient in her late 50s went from a MoCA score consistent with severe dementia upon admission to a score in the normal range just three weeks into treatment. The absence of alcohol combined with her individualized treatment alcohol rehab resulted in an amazing difference in her cognition and overall well-being. Living with alcohol-induced dementia can be challenging, both for the individual affected and their loved ones. Managing daily activities may require support from family members or caregivers. Cognitive and behavioral therapies may help those with the condition adapt to their symptoms and live a more fulfilling life. Noticeable shifts in personality, such as increased irritability, apathy, or aggression, can be red flags of alcohol-related brain damage.


Memory and decision-making are also severely affected, which means that people living with this condition need help from trusted family or friends to manage home, finances, transportation, and more. You and your healthcare providers will have to decide on a plan to determine the safest steps as you begin the process of quitting alcohol. Additionally, medications that are indicated for treating dementia, such as Namenda (memantine), may be prescribed, but the benefits are not established for alcoholic dementia.

This is because women are at a greater risk of the damaging effects of alcohol. A person who has ARBD won’t only have problems caused by damage to their brain. This is because professionals need to treat the person’s alcohol addiction together with their symptoms related to memory and thinking. The two main types of ARBD that can cause symptoms of dementia are alcohol-related ‘dementia’ and Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome. Neither of these are actual types of dementia, because you cannot get better from dementia, and there is some chance of recovery in both of these conditions.

can alcoholism cause dementia

People may also have motor difficulties due to impaired coordination and trouble walking, which can lead to safety concerns. A diagnosis of dementia requires a comprehensive physical and psychological evaluation. This includes cognitive testing, which involves assessing thinking and problem-solving skills. Excessive alcohol use for many years is linked to alcoholic dementia, and some people can develop alcoholic dementia more rapidly than others. Depending on your symptoms, you might also undergo a brain scan to rule out other concerns, like a stroke or tumor, or brain bleeding caused by physical trauma. You may also get a brain scan to rule out other potential conditions, like stroke, tumor, or a brain bleed caused by physical trauma.

For example, there are several studies that suggest mild to moderate alcohol use (1-14 units per week) can even lower the risk of dementia. Some research also indicates that a complete abstinence from alcohol can increase the risk of dementia compared to mild to moderate can alcoholism cause dementia use 237. People may have these accumulated risks, but they may have genetic or environmental factors that have a protective effect, and they never experience cognitive decline related to alcohol use.

  • This means that through dedicated alcohol rehabilitation programs, which often include therapy and support groups, individuals can work toward improving their brain function.
  • For example, research has found that heavy drinkers have a reduced volume of white matter.
  • Only 4% of people developed dementia between the ages of 55 and 75, what Coresh calls a key 20-year window for protecting brain health.

A surprising number of individuals score below the threshold for what is considered normal. In other words, many of our new patients are unable to complete simple cognitive tasks; this impairment resembles dementia and interferes with a person’s daily functioning. The good news is that when alcohol and substance use disorders are contributing to the impairment, once we remove the substances, the brain can begin to recover.